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Why are Dakota Micro’s AgCam and EnduraCam Cameras Superior? Part 1 – Lenses

By: Gary Manske – Executive Director, Sales & Marketing

There are several reasons cameras built by Dakota Micro are superior. In part one of this four-part series, we look at Lenses.

Part 1 – Lenses

Dakota Micro’s AgCam and EnduraCam cameras are rugged and reliable. They are designed to include some very special features we will discuss in this series. Let us start with lenses.

Cameras are basically a sealed box with a hole to let light in, with the intent of capturing a subject on a light-sensitive surface. Of course, electronic cameras are more complicated than this, but all cameras still consist of these basic components. When considering a camera to be used in agriculture or construction industries, among others, the lens is one of the key components to be aware of.

Camera Image

Lenses can be made of many transparent materials. Most camera lenses are made of plastic or polycarbonate. Plastic lenses are less durable and, like all plastics, build up static electricity. Dakota Micro’s AgCam and EnduraCam lenses are made from triple hardened glass. Glass is not only more durable to resist scratches and breakage; it also does not hold static electricity. Plastic lenses that build static electricity attract dust and reduce visibility as well as collect scratches over time, which erodes their clarity.

Dakota Micro’s lenses also have three other key features that matter. This includes auto-darkening, auto-focus, and multiple viewing angles.

First, auto-darkening.

Typically, the AgCam and EnduraCam cameras are used in agriculture, construction, trucking, and other outdoor activities. Working outdoors often means working in the sun. If you have ever driven east in the morning or west in the evening, you know how difficult it is to see, let alone operate safely. Dakota Micro’s AgCam and EnduraCam cameras feature an auto-darkening lens. This lens traps the sunlight and filters it out of the image. Even when faced with direct sunlight, the AgCam and EnduraCam will allow you to see your intended subject.

                                             Photogrey Lens                                                                              

Another key feature of these cameras from Dakota Micro includes auto focusing.  I am sure you have seen cameras where a speck of dust or debris obstructs the intended view. Again, the camera becomes virtually useless if it is not able to show the operator the intended image. Dakota Micro’s lenses provide for the image to be the focus, not the debris. Get a leaf or chunk of dirt on the lens, and it is not a problem. The AgCam or EnduraCam look past it and show you what you want to see.

Let us look at the next important feature, viewing angles.

The viewing angle of a camera refers to the ‘field of view’ (FOV) you can see. This includes both distance and peripheral views. The standard 3.6mm lens on the AgCam and EnduraCam provides a 92⁰ peripheral at approximately 8m of distance. This is sufficient for most applications. However, in some cases, you need a wider FOV to see more width or the ability to focus at a longer distance. This is where Dakota Micro’s lens options and Lens Selection Guide can come into play. You can select the lens for the exact view you need for your purposes. From our 170⁰ RazerCam, for side to side viewing, to our 16mm 15⁰ FOV lens, that provides 50m of visibility, you have options.

Future Parts of this series will include:

Part 2: The Camera Body

Part 3: Durability

Part 4: Cables